Translations: Beograd
Case info
Personal info
- Regional centerRS
- Who was attacked?Group
- Group members' names and surnamesEkipa TV Prva
Media outlet
- Name of the media outletTV Prva
- Type of media platformRadio
- Source of information about the incidentTV Prva
Incident Data
- Date of incident02.05.2023
- CityBeograd
- Perpetrator(s)Known (suspected)
- Attacked by(ordinary) citizens
- Type of incidentActual attacks on journalists
Action by the authorities
Action taken by the journalists' association
- Was journalist's association informed by the journalists directly?Yes
2.5.2023. – During the recording of the report by the TV Prva crew on Ada Ciganlija, a young man approached the TV crew and began to stab the cameraman with a barbecue fork.
The case was reported to the police, and not long after, the young man was identified, arrested and detained for 48 hours.