Translations: Pristina
Case info
Personal info
- Regional centerPristina
- GenderFemale
- Victim(s) nameGresa Gashi
Media outlet
- Name of the media outletKosova Sot
- Type of media platformPrinted Media
- Source of information about the incidentMedia
Incident Data
- Date of incident09.06.2017
- CityPrishtinë
- Perpetrator(s)Not known
- Attacked by(ordinary) citizens
- Type of incidentThreats against media outlets and organizations
Action by the authorities
Action taken by the journalists' association
- Was journalist's association informed by the journalists directly?Yes
Daily newspaper Kosova Sot reported the case to police due to portal’s name usage by a suspect during election campaign held in june in Kosovo. The suspect used almost similar name to complaining portal who used to spread fake news against several political parties, and in favour to one political party.