Attacks on media and journalists associations, Jugpress Newsroom Ljiljana Stojanović, Leskovac, 10.03.2023.

Attacks on media and journalists associations, Jugpress Newsroom Ljiljana Stojanović, Leskovac, 10.03.2023.

Translations: Beograd 

  • Case info

  • Personal info

  • Regional center
  • Gender
  • Victim(s) name
    Ljiljana Stojanović, redakcija Jugpress
  • Media outlet

  • Name of the media outlet
    Jug press
  • Type of media platform
    Online Media
  • Source of information about the incident
    Ljiljana Stojanović
  • Incident Data

  • Date of incident
  • City
  • Perpetrator(s)
    Not known
  • Attacked by
    (ordinary) citizens
  • Type of incident
    Attacks on media outlets and organizations
  • Type of attack
    Other attacks
  • Action by the authorities

  • Action taken by the journalists' association

  • Was journalist's association informed by the journalists directly?

Journalist and editor of the Jugpress portal from Leskovac, Ljiljana Stojanović, found her vehicle (which she uses as a newsroom vehicle) damaged in the parking lot. According to the way in which the damages were caused, it was noticeable that they were not caused by the impact of another vehicle, but that they were caused intentionally and by the use of other objects.

After interviewing the injured party and collecting the necessary information, 31.03.2023. In 2008, the Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office issued an official note – that there is no place to initiate criminal proceedings.