Attacks on journalists, Petar Gajic, Belgrade, 10.07.2020.

Attacks on journalists, Petar Gajic, Belgrade, 10.07.2020.

Translations: Beograd 

  • Case info

  • Personal info

  • Regional center
  • Gender
  • Victim(s) name
    Petar Gajić
  • Media outlet

  • Name of the media outlet
  • Type of media platform
  • Source of information about the incident
  • Incident Data

  • Date of incident
  • City
  • Perpetrator(s)
    Not known
  • Attacked by
    (ordinary) citizens
  • Type of incident
    Actual attacks on journalists
  • Action by the authorities

  • Public prosecutor's action
    Prema podacima koje posedujemo, policija je veoma brzo reagovala i na osnovu snimaka sa kamera koje su im dotupne uspela da identifikuje lice koje je i privedeno. Lice je izveeno pred nadležnog javnog tužioca.
  • Action taken by the journalists' association

  • Was journalist's association informed by the journalists directly?

BELGRADE, July 10, 2020 – During the protest in front of the National Assembly  TV N1 reporter Petar Gajic, was first verbally insulted and obstructed while reporting by one person, and shortly afterwards the person approached and pushed him away, rudely snatching the microphone, which was then thrown to the ground. According to Gajic’s statement, “a group of demonstrators, four of them, started shouting, pushing the camera, forcing us off the stairs.” One hit our microphone, we didn’t get hit, me and the cameraman are fine, we didn’t suffer an attack except they knocked down our microphone. ”

The complete event was recorded live on N1 television footage. After the report and the quick reaction of the Ministry of the Interior by reviewing the video recordings and identifying the suspect, the person was detained. The identity of that person is still unknown.