Translations: Pristina
Case info
Personal info
- Regional centerPristina
- Who was attacked?Group
- Group members' names and surnamesKlan Kosova
Media outlet
- Name of the media outletKlan Kosova
- Type of media platformRadio
Online Media - Source of information about the incidentKlan Kosova
Incident Data
- Date of incident09.02.2025
- CityPrizren and Dragash
- Perpetrator(s)Not known
- Attacked by(ordinary) citizens
- Means of incidents and attacksIn person
- Type of incidentActual attacks on journalists
- Type of attackattack_other
Action by the authorities
Action taken by the journalists' association
- Was journalist's association informed by the journalists directly?Yes
- What was the reaction of the journalists' association?The association reacted publicly
On Sunday, February 9th, the Klan Kosovo team, consisting of Qendresa Tershani, Sala Gashi, and cameraman Rron Salihu, faced continuous provocations and offensive words from supporters of the Vetëvendosje party right from the early hours of their fieldwork.
During Tershani’s first live connection at the largest voting center in Prizren, while attempting to interview a voter, the latter stated: “We boycott Klan Serbia.”
In the same city and center, a VV official insulted journalist Sala Gashi with the words: “You are paid by Serbia, you know very well who you work for.”
In Dragash, officials at the conditional voting center attempted to prevent Sala Gashi and cameraman Rron Salihu from voting, subjecting them to strange checks by the responsible personnel at the polling station.
Upon returning to Prizren, during celebrations by VV militants, Qendresa Tershani was obstructed during a live connection by a citizen, who, among other things, said: “You are against the truth.” Meanwhile, behind the camera, journalist Sala Gashi faced a range of insults such as: “Offspring of Serbia,” “daughters of Shk*na,” “wh**e,” “paid by Serbia,” “Albini will shut you down,” and other offensive remarks.