Journalists and journalism students were trained in responsible and ethical reporting for communities


The Association of Journalists of Kosovo, in partnership with Terre des hommes – Kosovo, has initiated a series of training sessions for this year focusing on “Antigypsyism in Kosovo and responsible and ethical reporting for the cases of Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian communities.”

Thirteen journalists and journalism students, under the guidance of the trainer, Lendrit Qeli, participated in the training session organized by AJK and Terre des hommes – Kosovo this past weekend.

The participants were briefed on the historical background and current situation of these communities in Kosovo. This included discussions on the understanding of anti-Gypsyism, the impact of social media on perpetuating stereotypes and racism, and the significance of language in shaping perceptions and attitudes towards marginalized communities.

During the training, the journalists were divided into groups and given the task of analyzing concrete examples of reports from various media outlets in the country. This exercise allowed them to apply the knowledge and skills they had gained during the training sessions.

This training was organized as part of the project “Social Justice for Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians”, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), implemented by the partner organizations Terre des hommes, Voice of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians and HEKS/EPER.