The mayor of Otok and former HDZ member of parliament, Josip Šarić, was arrested on Monday morning in an operation conducted by the police and USKOK. Several men verbally attacked the journalists covering the operation in Otok, but they were removed by the intervention police, reports dnevnik.hr.
The Vukovar-Srijem police, without disclosing identities, reported that they are conducting a criminal investigation in coordination with USKOK in the Slavonia region against one person due to suspicions of committing a criminal offense against official duty.
While journalists were observing how the police were carrying evidence out of the City Hall near the home of HDZ mayor Josip Šarić, they were verbally attacked by some men, who were subsequently removed by the intervention police.
“They were shouting some ugly things, saying—‘You’ve been waiting for this!’—and asking, ‘Are you going to film us too?’ One approached and started yelling—‘Serbs! Serbian media! Where is N1?’ The cameraman from Nova TV was verbally attacked. The intervention police warned them several times and told them to disperse, and after one of them started mumbling something, one police officer stood in front of him and explicitly told him to leave,” said one of the witnesses to the incident.
The police did remove one of the men causing problems when a man approached the journalists to talk about issues with Šarić. A little later, the police also took the information of one of the men who verbally attacked the journalists, and he will be detained, questioned, and reported.
Source: dnevnik.hr.