Intimidator against journalist fined 500 euro

Source/Author: Association of Journalists of Kosovo
Source/Photo: Photo by: AJK

Pristina, 26.20.2017 – The Basic Court in Pristina ruled on Thursday a conditional sentence against Osman Hajdini on charges of verbal threats against Liridon Lllapashtica, former journalist.

The fine of 500 euro is the verdict of the judge, Albina Rama against the former official of ministry of trade, Osman Hajdini because of verbal threats on former journalist, Liridon Lllapashtica.

On February 14th, 2014 Hajdini threatened Lllapashtica over the telephone call related to an article that was published in Pristina daily “Zeri”. “Since the law is not functioning, we will solve the issue by Code of Leke Dugagjini. I will send people to you because you are stubborn”, Hajdini said, according to indictment.  Llapashtica said that is not happy with the verdict and that he would advise the lawyer for further steps.

In another case, on September 27, 2016, the Basic Court in Pristina found guilty an individual on charges for death threats against two journalists of Koha Vision TV station. He was fined 300 euro. The journalists received threats through Facebook, because he was not happy with a piece of news that had to do with his brother.

AJK once again recalls all journalists and other media professionals, who are involved in litigation or disputes and that, are directly related to their professional work, to inform the Association of Journalists of Kosovo in order to monitor and report about these cases.