The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) has joined its affiliates in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia, and four civil society organisations (ECPMF, CPJ, FPU, OBCT) in writing to the Kosovo authorities to express concern about the case of journalist Svetlana Vukmirovic, who has been denied entry to Kosovo in order to carry out her work on multiple occasions since 2018.
The latest case occurred on 1st May, when Vukmirovic – while working for public broadcaster Radio Television of Serbia – was again banned from entering the territory of Kosovo with the explanation that she is considered a threat to public order, internal security, public health, or international relations.
In three letters addressed to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ombudsperson Institution respectively, we call for an explanation as to why the journalist’s entry was denied and request that the authorities ensure that the signed agreements between Serbia and Kosovo allowing freedom of movement are respected without exception.
The three letters are available below: