Ministers should learn how to communicate with journalists

Source/Author: AJM

SKOPJE, 21.02.2019 – The Association of Journalists of Macedonia condemns the behavior of the Minister of Economy, Kreshnik Bekteshi, to the journalist Milka Smilevska. Namely, on Smilevska’s question how his sister was employed precisely at the time he became a minister in the government, Bekteshi answered with a question: why do journalists work in the media in which they work, and why not in some other media?

We remind Minister Bekteshi, as well as the other ministers in the government that journalists are the voice of the public and their job is to investigate and ask questions which are in the interest of the public, while ministers should provide answers to those questions.

This is especially important in cases where journalists have suspicions about the abuse of power by officials in the Government. This is not the first case of inadequate behavior of the ministers of this government. AJM has already reacted to the labelings and pressures on journalists by other ministers.

We call on Prime Minister Zaev to have a serious talk with his ministers because such statements and behaviors are inappropriate and directly threaten the freedom of the media and the freedom of expression.