PODGORICA, 11.12.2018. – During the “Week of Pride”, dedicated to the promotion of the rights of LGBTIQ people, Montenegrin television broadcasted 15 articles in news programs in total duration of 31 minutes, according to an analysis of the Agency for Electronic Media of Montenegro.
The Agency analyzed the central informative programs broadcast in the period of celebrating “Week of Pride” (November 12-18) at seven Montenegrin television stations: TVCG1, TV Vijesti, TV Prva, TV Nova M, TV A1, TV 777 and Srpska TV.
“Bearing in mind that in the observed period there was no negative reporting, and that among the observed television stations there were almost no differences or dissonances with respect to the reporting framework, the basic problem of reporting on the mentioned topic is the lack of information and relatively superficial reporting limited to informative, but neglected the educational and, in the wider context of social inclusion of LGBTIQ persons, the reformer role of the media”, it is stated in the analysis.
Almost two thirds of the information was published on the very day of the Pride Parade, while the other days the number of published information was very small. With the exception of the day of the Parade, when this was the leading news, other information and articles were published in the last third of the news releases. The articles were dominantly informative, with the adequate possibility of members of the LGBTIQ community and non-governmental organizations dealing with the protection of their rights to send a message.
Observing by broadcasters, TV Vijesti had the most published information, while Srpska TV had no information related to the maintenance of the Parade.
“Comparing data collected during the Pride Parade 2014, for the week during which the Parade was held (28.10 – 03.11.2014), for five television stations, the average amount of articles and information published in 2018 in the central information programs were four times fewer. When analyzing and comparing the above data, it’s important to bear in mind that the security aspect of the 2014 Pride Parade is significantly different compared to today”, the analysis says.