SARAJEVO, 26.04.2018. -BH Journalists Association, Regulatory agency for Communications and Council of Europe are organizing a two day round-table “PROTECTION OF PUBLIC INTEREST THROUGH MEDIA CONTENT AND THE ROLE OF REGULATORS IN PROMOTING PUBLIC INTEREST” for jurisdiciary and media actors within the JUFREX project of CoE – Reinforcing Judical Expertise on Freedom of Expression and the Media in South – East Europe
The objectives of this workshop are primarily to address the seemingly conflicting issues of the right to privacy and the right to freedom of expression. These issues will be addressed through a review of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, jurisprudence in BiH, and media and regulatory practices on this issue.
Seminar will be held in Hotel Hollywood, Ilidža (Dr. Mustafe Pintola 23), May 10th and 11th and will gather representatives of The Regulatory Agency for Communications, electreonical media, judiciary and international experts from the media law area.
Press statements are scheduled for Thursday, May 10, at 2 pm, at Hollywood Hotel Ilidža.