EAST SARAJEVO, 12.04.2018. – Given the importance of the role of journalists in a democratic society, it is necessary that investigations on criminal offenses against journalists are conducted timely, independently and efficiently, in order to send a message on the importance of protecting the right to freedom of expression, concluded the participants from the workshop “Improving Cooperation and Mutual Understanding between media and law enforcement agencies “, which was held today in East Sarajevo.
“The impunity of perpetrators of crimes committed at the detriment of journalists would constitute a systemic non-existence of the functions of governance and the rule of law, on which the security and rights of all people depend. In addition, it would lead to a loss of public confidence in the independence of law enforcement agencies and court systems and would encourage the commission of such offenses“, emphasized the judge of the Municipal Court in Sarajevo Jasmina Sazdovski. „Impunity for crimes committed to journalists as protectors of freedom of expression would be particularly damaging to a democratic society.”
General Secretary of the BH Journalists Association“, Borka Rudić presented the OSCE guidelines for journalists in dealing with the police.
„Any restriction on the freedom of expression must be lawful and legitimate, or there must be justification of the proceedings at a given moment“, said Rudić and stated that journalists should among other things be ready to legitimize police officers, act in accordance with the code of journalistic ethics and respect the police procedures.
The workshop „Improving Cooperation and Mutual Understanding between media and law enforcement agencies“ was organized by OSCE BiH in the premises of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA). The workshop gathered 40 policemen of this agency.
We recall that at the 116th session held in September last year, the Council of Ministers of BiH, on the recommendation of the Ombudsman for Human Rights of BiH, tasked the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina and invited the Ministry of the Interior of RS, the Ministry of the Interior of FBiH, the Police of Brcko District nd the cantonal ministries of internal affairs to organize training’s within their programs of professional training of police officers on the importance of prosecution of criminal offenses and violations committed against journalists..