NUNS to Serbia’s Interior Minister: Stop targeting journalists

Source/Author: N1
Source/Photo: N1

The Independent Association of Serbia’s Journalists (NUNS) told Aleksandar Vulin, the Interior Minister, on Wednesday to stop targeting media people after he claimed a reporter was a member of an opposition party.

NUNS said that „journalism isn’t and must not serve in political subterfuge, nor must it be a tool in show-downs with political opponents ahead of elections. No one, particularly people from the authorities, should treat our colleagues in such a way.”

Vulin told the pro-regime B92 TV with national frequency, that Vuk Cvijic, an investigative journalist with the independent NIN weekly, was a member of the People’s Party, led by Vuk Jeremic. Jeremic is one of the tough opponents of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) headed by President Aleksandar Vucic.

NUNS recalled that was not the first time that Cvijic was falsely branded as a political activist. The pro-government tabloid Informer had to retract its news about Cvijic after reactions from journalists’ organisations.

NUNS also said that “unfortunately, it has become a common practice by the state officials and pro-regime media to label independent journalists as opposition parties’ members or activists, falsely accusing them of political activities.”

„We’ll register this case in our Database of Attacks and Pressures on Journalists and report it to our regional base and inform all international organisations,” NUNS added.