Sarajevo, 15.07.2016- The streeming committee of the Association BH Journalists and Free Media Help Line (FMHL) strongly condemns the public lynching, direct threats and hate speech which is spreading through online media and social networks according to Vuk Bačanović, a freelance journalist from Sarajevo and until recently associate Federal Television (FTV). On 11 July 2016 Bačanović on his Facebook commented on the installation of the Republic Srpska, set in Sarajevo on the eve of the 21st anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide, which resulted in a hunt and sharp condemnation on social networks and in the media, and the termination of cooperation with FTV.
With astonishment follow manipulative publish only parts of controversial comments on the individual portals and social networks that have become “material” for an extended public, Facebook and media violence against Vuk Bacanović. We believe that no one should be persecuted nor harassed because of their opinions, it is particularly intolerable that threaten the safety and lives of Bačanović through Facebook just his opinion. With Bačanovićevim thinking and the way they set out – with the use of offensive speech opposing the rules of civilized communication – disagreed part of the public, but that does not mean that anyone has the right to call the killing Bačanović or invoke “Jasenovac” for him and his family.
BH Journalists and Free Media Help Line reminiscent of how the chase began on Bačanović the moment when the media is downloaded and posted a message published on FB profile, put it into the context of daily events and the time she gave undue political or ethnic dimension. Given that this practice is very common in BiH, we appeal to the media and journalists in BiH with more professional and moral responsibility, and only with the permission of the author over and made public (private) status and the opinions expressed on social networks. Such action will significantly narrow the space for manipulation, public incitement or hatred, but also respect the right to privacy.
BH Journalists and Free Media Help Line also emphasize how critical reflection of our reality and current events, even in a brutal manner, preferably in BiH society, but no medium nor journalist should not contribute to the deepening hostility, create new victims or spread hate speech and xenophobia. We remind you once again – hate speech is not freedom of expression and the task of the media is that any hate speech or incitement performances as socially unacceptable behavior contrary to universal human values and the right to freedom of expression.
The streeming committee of the BHJA