
    In order to improve the situation and improve the regulation in RSM, the Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM) continues with activities aimed at analyzing and improving the knowledge of our members regarding the impact of the Copyright Law on the work of media workers. This time, with the support of the Sigrid Rising Trust (SRT), AJM prepared this publication, which analyzes and provides conclusions and recommendations for improving the Law on Copyright and Other Related Rights and his application primarily in journalism.

    This publication’s focus is to analyze the situation in the country in the context of compliance with the provisions of the law or to which person belongs the copyright over his copyright work. It is also emphasized the need to raise awareness among journalists and media workers, but also in general among all relevant stakeholders about the importance of copyright and other related rights, to improve knowledge of applicable laws and their application, as well as to improve the existing norm with that of the European Union. A big challenge is the series of problems that arise from ignorance, non-compliance, and inappropriate application of the legislation in copyright and related rights.

    This Analysis also deals with the Provisions of the LCRR relevant to journalists and media workers. The topic is elaborated in more detail in the context of what is considered an authorial work and the law’s text that affects journalists and media workers. The challenges of online media and plagiarism are also covered – the Code of Journalists of Macedonia and self-regulation and the European practice – EU Directive 2019/790 on copyright and other related rights.


    At the following link, you can download and read the publication!


    This publication precedes an expert webinar organized by AJM and the Macedonian Media Institute on 16-17.12.2020 on the topic “How the Law on Copyright and Related Rights Affects the Work of Journalists, Photojournalists and Media Workers.”