BIHAĆ, 23.06.2018. – The Steering Committee of BHJA demands from the Assembly and the Government of the Una – Sana Canton (USK) to stop with political pressures on the leadership and journalists of the Una – Sana Canton Radio Television (RTV USK), as well as violation of the legal regulations and acts according to which this public media operates.
It is unacceptable that members of the Government and Assembly of the USK have threatened journalists and editors of the RTV USK for months, lead them to a humiliating and unsafe position, and tried to replace Izet Mustafic, the director of RTV USK, or appoint a new Supervisory Board, that would act in favour of the political parties in power in this canton. Such actions are considered as an unacceptable interference of authorities and political parties with media freedom and the independence of public radio-television, violation of the right of citizens to access public information and undermining fundamental democratic values.
The Steering Committee of BHJA emphasizes that media freedom, safe and dignified work of journalists and editorial independence are part of fundamental rights to freedom of expression, which under no circumstances should be challenged by the executive and legislative power of the USK. It is particularly unacceptable for freedom of expression and leadership position of RTV USK to be parts of political negotiations, aimed at securing media support and communication space for the political campaign for the upcoming general elections in BiH in October 2018.
At the same time, The Steering Committee of BHJA recalls how important is existence of a professional and politically independent public broadcaster in the USK, which will work in the interests of all citizens, will not be chosen by political and other manipulations, and be an example of responsible and professional work of journalists and editors. In this context, BHJA give their full support to RTV USK, the right journalists and editors to free and dignified work, which will not be restricted in any way from any centers of political or other power.
The Steering Committee of BH Journalists Association