Actual attack against STOP investigative show filming crew, 23/03/2023, Fier, Albania

    Country AL
    Name and Surname Filming Crew of STOP investigative show
    Gender Group
    Date 23/03/2023
    City / Location Fier
    Type of incident Actual attacks on journalists
    By whom To journalists by citizens
    Name of the perpetrator I.Y.
    Media name Klan TV
    Legal closure Perpatrator is convicted
    Judiciary status Fier police announcement: The 50-year-old man was caught and handcuffed for hitting the operator of an investigative show and breaking the journalist's cell phone because of their duty. The services of the Fier Police Station have received information that in the neighborhood "15 Tetori", Fier, in a notary's office, a citizen had hit the operator of the investigative show "Stop" and had broken the cell phone of the journalist of this show, they immediately organized work by identifying, capturing and escorting to the premises of the Fier Police Station, the citizen I. Y. At the end of the first investigative actions, the specialists for the Investigation of Crimes of the Fier Police Station arrested in the act Citizen I. Y., 50 years old, resident of Fier, the former husband of the notary, A. H.
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    Were authorities informed? Case was reported to the police

    A 50-year-old man was put in handcuffs after being accused of hitting the cameraman of the investigative show ‘Stop’ and breaking the mobile phone of the journalist that was interrogating. In the police announcement, it is reported that the incident took place in the “15 Tetori” neighborhood of the city of Fier.

    This citizen, in the notary office of citizen A. H. (his ex-wife), when he saw the operator and journalist of the “Stop” show, who was filming the notary’s office, hit the operator and broke the journalist’s cell phone, with the claim that they should not film and should leave the notary’s office. The operator and the journalist have been following the complaint of a citizen, about the notary A. H.

    Fier police announcement: The 50-year-old man was caught and handcuffed for hitting the operator of an investigative show and breaking the journalist’s cell phone because of their duty. The services of the Fier Police Station have received information that in the neighborhood “15 Tetori”, Fier, in a notary’s office, a citizen had hit the operator of the investigative show “Stop” and had broken the cell phone of the journalist of this show, they immediately organized work by identifying, capturing and escorting to the premises of the Fier Police Station, the citizen I. Y.. At the end of the first investigative actions, the specialists for the Investigation of Crimes of the Fier Police Station have arrested in the act Citizen I. Y., 50 years old, resident of Fier, the former husband of the notary, A. H.