Actual attacks on journalists, Mejreme Gashi, Kamenica, 07. 11. 2019.



    Mejreme Gashi is attacked physically by a person in Karaçeva – Kamenica, while she was conducting a story regarding the activities of some casinos in the mentioned place on November 7, 2019.

    After interviewing some citizens, the journalist tried to shot one of the many casinos of the village, but the team of Klan Kosova was resisted by people who here around there.

    The Klan Kosova team was conducting a story regarding the operation of several casinos in the mentioned place when people who work in the casino were obstructed by the presence of media, so they verbally attacked the journalists then physically assaulted them. Firstly they sallied and attacked verbally with rude words while swearing and offending me and Rilind with bad words. Then, one of them did hit me in the head by hand. It wasn’t enough, he continued to sally verbally on the Klan Kosova team while other people jointed him and ordered us: “Go go…”, “Don’t record our cars. They were people who were in the casino…” she declared to her medium.

    The case is denounced to police and the State Prosecutor is informed.  However in the case was involved another journalist, Rilind Matoshi, who was part of the Klan Kosova team.

    Casinos have been banned by law in Kosovo since March 2019.