Actual attacks on journalists, Sinan Gluhic, Zenica, 05.06.2020.


    Sinan Gluhic, journalist of the local public media RTV Zenica was physically attacked by Sulejman Spahic, member of the A-SDA party. The attack was preceded by days of verbal threats and insults to Gluhic by the A-SDA leaders via telephone and social networks, especially Facebook.

    On Friday, 5th June Gluhic was on his way to work when he was physically attacked by Spahic. In front of the witnesses Gluhic received death threats from Spahic, followed by a hit to the neck and face. The incident was reported to police and recorded, as well as threats Gluhic received in the previous period. On the same day A-SDA party issued a statement denying the attack happened. Zenica police administration initiated an investigation and took statements from both actors. The case is referred to the Prosecutor’s office for further actions.