Attack against Klan Kosova’s team, Zubin Potok, 19.12.2022

    Country KO
    Gender Group Haris Ademi, Agon Bejtullahu and Elsad Sinani
    Date 19/12/2022
    City / Location Zubin Potok
    Type of incident Attacks on media outlets and organizations
    By whom To journalists by citizens
    Type of media Radio and television
    Media name Klan Kosova
    Source Klan Kosova
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes

    The Klan Kosova’s team, consisting of journalist Haris Ademi, camera operator Agon Bejtullahu, and driver Elsad Sinani, was attacked today, while they were reporting near the barricades located in the village of Çaber in Zubin Potok. The attackers threw stones at the team and insulted them.

    This is the third attack on journalists, thus aggravating and endangering their safety while they are reporting.

    The Association of Journalists of Kosovo is concerned for the safety of its colleagues who are reporting from the north of Kosovo.
    AJK once again calls upon competent authorities to protect journalists and to allow them to do their work without being obstructed.