Other threats to journalists, Milanka Kovačević, Gacko, 28.03.2018

    Country BH
    Name and Surname Milanka Kovačević
    Gender Female
    Date 28/03/2018
    City / Location Gacko
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    By whom To journalists by citizens
    Name of the perpetrator Mlađo Zelenović
    Type of media online
    Media name Portal Direkt
    Source Milanka Kovačević
    Article and legislation violated (nationally) Article 150 of the Criminal Code of RS
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction BHJA and Free Media Help Line sent an official request for information to the police station in Gacko. 03 May 2018, we received an answer that there are no element for a criminal offence in this case, and that it will be further processed as a misdemeanor. We sent an request for information to the Police Court in Trebinje, where the case is being processed. 17 May 2018 we received a response from the Court in Trebinje, informing us that the court procedure for a misdemeanor is conducted according to the Law on Public Peace and Order. After Milanka Kovačević was sued for defamation, FMHL hired a lawyer to represent her.

    After publishing a text on a car accident, Mladjo Zelenovic verbally attacked journalist Milanka Kovacevic.

    After this, Milanka Kovacevic was sued for defamation by Mladjo Zelenovic.