Intimidation-verbal threats, group of journalists, Bihać, July 22,2015.

    Country BH
    Gender Group
    Date 22/07/2015
    City / Location [:en]Bihać[:ba]Bihać[:]
    Type of incident Threats against the lives and limbs of journalists
    By whom By public officials
    Name of the perpetrator [:en]Izudin Saračević[:ba]Izudin Saračević[:]
    Type of media print online
    Media name [:en]media in BiH[:ba]media in BiH[:]
    Legal closure Perpatrator is acquitted
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction [:en]BHN (BHJ) and FMHL required the prime minister of Una – Sana Canton to make public apology that had been insulted and offended by his speech, since he had been accusing them of ruining the reputation of his government. His response was that he would “address the media representatives any way he likes”, that is, he would not respond according to wishes required by this association. [:ba]BHN (BHJ) and FMHL required the prime minister of Una – Sana Canton to make public apology that had been insulted and offended by his speech, since he had been accusing them of ruining the reputation of his government. His response was that he would “address the media representatives any way he likes”, that is, he would not respond according to wishes required by this association. [:]
    Were authorities informed? No

    Izudin Saracevic, prime minister of Una – Sana Canton, referred to FTV and BHT journalists as to “UDBA (ex. Yugoslav Intelligence Service) – Sarajevo conspiracy that prevents foreign investments, during the meeting with media representatives held at the Una – Sana Canton government building, describing additionally ABC web site as “informational garbage”. This was, once again, assault on journalists working in Bihac region – because this prime mister had previously verbally assaulted FTV and BHRT journalists accusing them of making “direct threats to economic development of Una – Sana Canton”.