Other threats to journalists, Dragojlo Blagojević, 20.01.2020.



    Dragojlo Blagojevic informed  Journalists Association of Serbia that Igor Braunovic, the General Manager of the Public Company “Srbijašume”, called him on January 20 and threatened him over the text “Why did forestry engineers ignore the Faculty of Forestry’s Day”, published in the periodical “Drvo tehnika”. The editor of “Drvo tehnika” Blagojevic claims that the director of “Srbijašume” told him that he “reads his newspaper” and  “he wonders what he did to deserve that” and then said: “I will find a way to repay you … I will get back at you, you’ll see ”and hung up. Blagojevic also stated that he had two witnesses who heard this conversation. The case was reported to the police by the JAS contact point, and the editor of the journal “Drvo tehnika” gave a statement at the police station on January 23 at the call of a police officer.