Translations: Sarajevo
Case info
Personal info
- Regional centerSarajevo
- GenderFemale
- Victim(s) nameEnisa Skenderagić
Media outlet
- Name of the media outletTV SA
- Type of media platformRadio
- Source of information about the incidentEnisa Skenderagić
Incident Data
- Date of incident06.12.2018
- CitySarajevo
- Attacked byAuthorities - individuals
- Type of incidentOther threats to journalists
Action by the authorities
Action taken by the journalists' association
- Was journalist's association informed by the journalists directly?Yes
Council of Employees and Staff submitted the complaint to Free Media Help Line due to violation of freedom of expression and imposing of censorship at Sarajevo Canton Public Television Program (TVSA) which followed the broadcasting of clipart and caricatures drawn by Filip Andronik, an artist and caricaturist, during the TV show, namely “Dobre vibracije” (“Good Vibrations”). Edita Skenderagic, TVSA editor was criticized by her superiors and her report was censored by the TV SA members of the Managing Board and SDA officials (Party of Democratic Action).