Translations: Sarajevo
Case info
Personal info
- Regional centerSarajevo
- GenderMale
- Victim(s) nameBenjamin Turković
Media outlet
- Name of the media outletDnevni avaz
- Type of media platformPrinted Media
- Source of information about the incidentBenjamin Turković
Incident Data
- Date of incident15.05.2017
- CitySarajevo
- Perpetrator(s)Known (suspected)
- Attacked byAuthorities - individuals
- Type of incidentOther threats to journalists
Action by the authorities
Action taken by the journalists' association
- Was journalist's association informed by the journalists directly?Yes
At a trial at the Sarajevo Municipal Court where journalist Benamin Turkovic appeared as a witness in the process led by Dragomir Kovač, secretary of the BiH Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees against Avaz roto press, addressed the Turkovic journalist with the words “You’ll See”.