Other threats to journalists, Berat Buzhala and Parim Olluri, Prishtina, 08.04.2020.


    Member of party “Lëvizja Vetëvendosje” Hysamedin Ferraj attacked verbally journalists Berat Buzhala and Parim Olluri, qualified them as part of a Serbian-Russian lobby thought in Kosovo.

    Through posts on his Facebook account, Ferraj said: “Kosovo’s partial or full return under Serbia the Serbian-Russian lobby in the United States, with its most powerful representative, Richard Grenell, must be done without weapons. He can do  this only with the Serbian-Russian lobbyists within Kosovo, among the most vocal so far: Hashim Thaçi, Isa Mustafa, Ramush Haradinaj, Berat Buzhla, Parim Olluri, and all the media that lobbies for them”.

    Association of Journalists of Kosovo – AJK reacted publicly and Ferraj’s comments are described as unacceptable, which polarize society, violate freedom of expression and endanger democracy in the country.