Other threats to journalists, Borka Rudić, Lejla Turčilo, Sarajevo, 15.09.2021.

    Country BH
    Gender Female
    Date 15/09/2021
    City / Location
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    By whom To journalists by citizens
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes

    The online harrasment of professor FPN Sarajevo dr. Lejla Turčilo intensified in Bosnia and Herzegovina with nationalist posts on certain portals and social networks, labeling Turčilo as a professor who “poisons Bosniak children” and a “genocide denier”.

    The BH Journalists Association published a statement condemning the media attacks on Turčilo, after which the same internet portals (Sejl.org and Bosnjaci.net) and through the profiles of these media outlets on social networks continued their pursuit of Turčilo, as well as on the general secretary of BH Journalists Borka Rudić, accusing them of nationalism, supporting war criminals, insulting Prophet Muhammad and stifling independent journalism.