Other threats to journalists, Faktograf journalists, Zagreb, 22.4.2021.

    Zemlja CRO
    Spol Grupa novinaraUredništvo Faktografa
    Datum 22/04/2021
    Grad Zagreb
    Vrsta napada Druge prijetnje upućene novinarima
    Od koga Građana prema novinarima
    Vrsta medija Online
    Naziv medija Faktograf.hr
    Izvor Faktograf.hr
    Je li novinarsko udruženje bilo obaviješteno? Da
    Je li napad prijavljen policiji/nadležnim institucijama? Slučaj je prijavljen policiji

    Faktograf received a message via Facebook: “Well, you sell lies under the truth, as independent verifiers of facts, and we all know that you are paid by the powerful governments of the world. As a person, if you have humanity in you, isn’t it a shame to spread lies to the people?
    You, the reader of this message, will earn some salary today, but I am ready to give my salary to support all your “truth” that you serve, of course given by order of the agenda bearer.
    Do you think that the new world order will enter this world wide open? Well, I’m telling you it won’t. I will fight too, against you and all vermin who push moron and climate change in the direction of the NWO. Do you mean to pass without resistance? It won’t work. I’m not a bitch to hide behind a fake account. I also won’t be a bitch to guide you personally. Man, your children will also live in this control and fascism from the state. Do you understand that? Or are you so limited that you only think about today and the sandwich you will eat when you get home from work? Think what you want, but know that there will be no place for you after the truth comes out. You and your offspring will not be safe. I don’t want to swear, but you don’t know what I’m ready for. This is not only about my fate, but about the fate of 95% of people. And you stand in the way against all of us. Understand that, and decide if your salary is worth your future, and your descendants. Have a nice afternoon and get high on your dick everyone in the shitgraf editorial office. You are cheap souls, and we have your information.”