Other threats to journalists, Franjo Šarčević, Prometej.ba, 06.08.2022.

    Country BH
    Name and Surname Franjo Šarčević
    Gender Male
    Date 06/08/2022
    City / Location
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    Type of media online
    Media name Prometej.ba
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes

    The editor of the Prometej.ba portal, Franjo Šarčević, was the target of threats and online violence after he commented on current events in BiH – changes to the Election Law, protests in front of the OHR, etc. Šarčević and his family were victims of political magazine Stav, media outlet close to the Party of Democratic Action (SDA), which is founded and financed with the money of a company from Turkey. Šarčević and his wife Lejla were called “carcinomas”, and journalist of Stav wrote that “everything should be done to prevent their metastases”. In the same article, Prometej is accused of supporting the “apartheid policy” and those who want to prevent the Bosniaks’ struggle for “statehood”, which is completely incorrect and contrary to the editorial policy of this portal.

    Case status: The Steering committee of BHJA and FMHL reacted with a statement.

    This was followed by threats on social networks and malicious and unfounded writings about BHJA and the General Secretary Borka Rudić.