Public pressure against journalist Edona Podvorica, Prishtinë, 02.08.2023

    Country KO
    Name and Surname Edona Podvorica
    Gender Female
    Date 02/08/2023
    City / Location Prishtine
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    By whom By public persons
    Name of the perpetrator Enver Dugolli dhe Valon Ramadani
    Type of media Radio and television
    Media name RTK
    Source Facebook
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction The AJK considers Tuesday's boycott as a valid form of protest by journalists and the media and asks the ruling party not to put pressure on public media journalists. Furthermore, AJK asks RTK management not to be influenced by government pressure in relation to the actions of its employees.

    The Association of Journalists of Kosovo is concerned about the public pressure applied by Vetvendosje MPs against RTK journalist Edona Podvorica, who, along with the majority of her media colleagues boycotted the news conference of Minister Rozeta Hajdari.

    MP Valon Ramadani stated on Facebook that “it appears that this institution avoided the legal obligation by not remaining at Minister Rozeta Hajdari’s conference.” In the same line, Vetvendosje’s other MP, Enver Dugolli, has written, as have other members of the ruling party, calling for the journalist’s dismissal.

    The AJK considers Tuesday’s boycott as a valid form of protest by journalists and the media and asks the ruling party not to put pressure on public media journalists.

    Furthermore, AJK asks RTK management not to be influenced by government pressure in relation to the actions of its employees.