Actual attacks on journalists, Siniša Vickov, Split, 18.04.2017.

    Country CRO
    Name and Surname Siniša Vickov
    Gender Male
    Date 18/04/2017
    City / Location Split
    Type of incident Actual attacks on journalists
    By whom To journalists by citizens
    Type of media Radio and television
    Media name Radio Brač
    Source Journalist, Media
    Was journalist`s association informed No
    What was journalists' association reaction Press Release condemning the incident – sent to all media and international partners.

    Siniša Vickov, Radio Brač journalist and editor, was covering Split-Dalmatian County session on April 18, 2017. Waiting for the topic that seemed to be the news of the day he left the County Building to work on some other journalistic task with the idea to come back to the County session. At his re-entrance he was stopped by two security guards preventing him to enter the session. The journalist insisted he had right to cover the session and tried to enter it, but guards pushed him away blocking his entrance. As he insisted he was knocked several times and suffered severe injuries: two broken ribs and head trauma. The journalist asked doctor’s assistance and reported the attack to he police, documents about his injuries included.