Actual attack on Sonila Musai, 08/02/2022, Tirana

    Country AL
    Name and Surname Sonila Musai
    Gender Female
    Date 08/02/2022
    City / Location Tirana
    Type of incident Actual attacks on journalists
    By whom by policeman
    Type of media Radio and television
    Media name Ora News
    Public prosecutor The case in regards to journalist Sonila Musai, it turns out that criminal complaint no. 2230 of 2022 was registered, for which on 22.02.2022 it was decided not to start the criminal proceedings.
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes

    Sonila Musai, who was violently dragged from the police while reporting live the resistance of the Albanian residents against the demolition of their apartments in the neighborhood “5 Maji” in Tirana.

    This is the second case this month that the policy interferes and violates the work of Ora News journalists while on duty.