Threats against media, Shtime, 16.08.2023

    Country KO
    Gender Group
    Date 16/08/2023
    City / Location Shtime
    Type of incident Threats against media outlets and organizations
    By whom To journalists by citizens
    Type of media online
    Media name GazetaDemos
    Source GazetaDemos
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction Such threats and attacks are totally unacceptable to the Association of Journalists of Kosovo, and we urge the Kosovo Police to take proper action against the person who threatened the media today.
    Were authorities informed? Case was reported to the police

    This morning, several media teams were threatened and attacked while covering the KRU Prishtina activity in Shtime. The camera operator was physically assaulted.

    In addition to the attack on, several colleagues who were filming the man criticizing the media were threatened.

    In a video published by GazetaDemos, a person is heard threatening the journalist of this medium saying “Don’t record, because if I come there, I will kill you”.

    Such threats and attacks are totally unacceptable to the Association of Journalists of Kosovo, and we urge the Kosovo Police to take proper action against the person who threatened the media today.