Threats against the lives and physical safety of journalists, Zeljko Matorcevic, Grocka, 20.02.2023.

    Država SR
    Ime i prezime Željko Matorčević
    Pol Muški
    Datum 20/02/2023
    Grad Beograd
    Tip incidenta Pretnje smrću i pretnje teškim telesnim povredama
    Naziv medija Portal Žig Info
    Izvor Željko Matorčevic
    Da li je novinarsko udruženje informisano? Da
    Pretnje smrcu i fizicke bezbednosti novinara Pretnje smrću ili fizičkim nasiljem licem u lice ili telefonom

    In the building of the Palace of Justice, after the trial of those accused of burning down the house of journalist Milan Jovanović, a friend of the accused, the former mayor of the municipality of Grocka, Dragoljub Simonović, threatened journalist Matorčević, who was following the trial. Matorčević told UNS: “There were a lot of people in the courtroom watching the trial, and among them was Milan Marcheta, who publicly declares himself a friend of Simonović. When the trial ended, we left the courtroom. I was waiting for my colleague Jovanović to leave. Marcheta came out and passed by me and insultingly asked me what I was doing there, cursed and said ‘go outside, you will get hurt’. I asked him if he was telling me that, to which Simonović replied ‘Yes, he is telling you’, and Marcheta confirmed ‘Yes, yes, to you'”.

    Matorčević reported the case at the police station. At first, the police officer refused to receive the report on the record, however, after several attempts, the journalist managed to submit the report, and according to information from the First Basic Prosecutor’s Office, the report was acted upon very quickly. The procedure is ongoing.