Translations: Sarajevo
Case info
Personal info
- Regional centerSarajevo
- GenderFemale
- Victim(s) name[:en]Sanela Prašević Gadžo[:]
Media outlet
- Name of the media outlet[:ba]BHRT[:]
- Type of media platformRadio
- Source of information about the incident[:en]BHRT[:]
Incident Data
- Date of incident04.04.2015
- City[:en]Sarajevo[:]
- Perpetrator(s)Known (suspected)
- Attacked by(ordinary) citizens
- Type of incidentActual attacks on journalists
Action by the authorities
- Public prosecutor's actionOdredio istragu
- Court action[:en]Doneseno rješenje da se neće provodit istraga. [:]
Action taken by the journalists' association
- Was journalist's association informed by the journalists directly?Yes
Sanela Prasovic Gadzo received a death threat on her Facebook profile directly endangering her safety and life. A person named Asim Tabakovic threatened our colleague Prasovic Gadzo because of the INTERVIEW show when she interviewed Nikola Karabatic, best handball player in the world. Threats were based on facts that person called Asim Tabakovic was annoyed with Karabatic being a TV show guest attacking Sanela for “getting close and friendly with Serbs”.