The TUMM, in cooperation with the courts in Podgorica and Bijelo Polje, collected data on how many cases of damage compensation due to violation of personality rights (honour and reputation) were brought to these courts from the beginning of 2016 to the end of 2018, how many final judgments were adopted and how many cases are still pending. Almost all of these cases were the subject of our analysis, which consisted of monitoring court proceedings for all active cases, as well as analysing final judgments to gain insight into case law when adopting the judgments.
The result of the research is a database of cases from 2016 to the end of 2018, with the following information: who sues most, what is the cause, which media are most sued, what is the outcome of court proceedings (or how many lawsuits are accepted by the court and how many are dismissed), what is the amount of damages awarded, duration of proceedings…