PODGORICA, 21.04.2020. – Montenegro has fallen one place and now is ranked 105th in the press freedom list, according to the latest Reporters Without Borders (RSF) index.
“Professional media and journalists continue to come under pressure from the authorities and key attacks on journalists are not resolved. In May 2018, an investigative journalist Olivera Lakić was shot in the leg. Like in many previous physical attacks on journalists, Lakić’s case is still unsolved. In 2019, officials have publicly acknowledged that, due to lack of evidence, the case of Editor-in-chief of daily Dan Duško Jovanović, who was killed in 2004, will most likely never be resolved”, it is stated in the report.
Reporters without borders noted that the transformation of RTCG into a public service has been completely halted after the appointment of new management close to the rolling circles.Self-censorship continues to be a major challenge.
“Although defamation has been decriminalized since 2011, several lawsuits have been filed against independent journalists and media. Jovo Martinovic, an investigative reporter accused of drug trafficking, received an eighteen-month sentence in January 2019. However, his appeal was sustained by the Appeal Court which ordered retrial which is ongoing. The international community has condemned the verdict”, it is stated in the document.
RSF stated that three journalists were arrested on suspicion of committing offenses causing panic and disorder by publishing fake news.
“Professional media outlets have had to cope with serious economic difficulties. The vast majority of state institutions support the pro-government media by placing advertisements in their publications”, it is stated in the report.
Among the countries in the region, Slovenia ranked best (32nd, last year was 34th), followed by Romania, which dropped one place to 47th. Bosnia and Herzegovina has climbed up to five places in the rankings and is now 58. Immediately behind it, in 59th place is Croatia, which also jumped five places in the Reporters Without Borders rankings.
Serbia ranks 93rd, Northern Macedonia at 92nd, Albania at 84th and Kosovo at 70th.
Best placed, like last year are Norway (1), Finland (2) and Denmark (3). Germany has improved its ranking by two positions and is now in 11th place.