Serbian PM says media working group not legitimate

Source/Author: N1/Beta

BELGRADE, 26.04.2018. – Work on the new national media strategy was stopped because the working group does not have full legitimacy, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Tuesday.

Brnabic said that she and President Aleksandar Vucic decided to stop work on the national media strategy because none of the relevant media organizations had representatives in the working group.

The Serbian President’s media advisor Suzana Vasiljevic has been put in charge of creating a climate of dialogue which will allow work to continue on the strategy, she said. “We agreed that Suzana Vasiljevic, a person with very much experience in working with the media and who personally knows all editors and most journalists as well as representatives of media associations, should help in further communication in which we don’t have to be in agreement all the time but we have to remain committed to dialogue,” Brnabic said.

According to the Prime Minister, the important thing is for the media organizations to stay with the dialogue.

“I don’t think we have to start from scratch but from the point when the media organizations quit the working group,” Brnabic said and added that the Ministry of Culture will remain the umbrella organization for the development of the media strategy.

Representatives of the major media organizations in Serbia quit the working group drafting the new national media strategy to express their dissatisfaction over certain parts of the draft.