SARAJEVO, 11.06.2019. –Steering Committee of BHJA requests Mr. Peter Ivancov, the ambassador of Russia to Bosnia and Herzegovina, to publicly apologize for verbal insults and inappropriate comments on the web portal Zurnal and his journalist Avdi Avdic. Visiting the N1 television program in Sarajevo, Ambassador Ivancov said that “Zurnal portal is not credible” for him, and that journalist Avdo Avdic “embarked on internal political processes”.
Steering Committee of BHJA believes that Mr. Peter Ivanc’s statements represent a rough attack on the freedom of the media and the right of journalists to critically analyze current developments in BiH, including political – intelligence and judicial affairs, which Zurnal wrote over the past several months. By giving his own, no argumentative opinions on the work of journalist Zurnal, Ambassador Ivancov brought the entire editorial office to direct danger! This diplomatic pressure on Zurnal’s journalists has added weight, since it comes from the ambassador of the Russian Federation – a country with significant influence in BiH and countries of the region – and has been launched with the aim of destroying the professional reputation and credibility of information published by this media.
Steering Committee of BHJA invites the Presidency and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of BiH to urgently send a protest note to the Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the relevant institutions of the Russian Federation for the inadmissible interference of their diplomat with the work of a Bosnian-Herzegovinian media. Also, the Steering Committee of BHJA will send a protest letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation due to the statements of Ambassador Ivancov.
Steering Committee of BHJA