PLJEVLJA, 14.01.2018 – Mayor Mirko Dačić, at the end of 2017, said that RTV Pljevlja fulfilled all the conditions for initiating bankruptcy and that brave, harsh and painful actions could be expected in order to improve the situation.
The employees of Radio-Television Pljevlja stopped the strike on January 1, although they did not receive owed salaries.
Most employees were on strike from November 17, 2017, due to delayed payment of five salaries. In the beginning of January they received salaries for July and August.
The striking board said to “Vijesti” that they decided to stop the strike, because the contract they signed with the founder – Pljevlja Municipality, on the financing of program content, obliges them to execute specific programs.
During the protest, employees kept the minimum work process as foreseen by the Law on Strike.
RTV Council signed in December a contract with Pljevlja Municipality to provide public services for the next three-year period, in the amount of 250,000 euros. It is about 80,000 less than proposed by the Council in the draft contract.
The strike ended after Mayor Mirko Dačić, at the end of the year, assessed that RTV Pljevlja fulfilled all the conditions for initiating bankruptcy.
Citing the internal audit report, Dačić said that the company’s negative capital at the end of 2016 amounted to 711,000 euros, and assets 85,000 euros.
Đačić said that in RTV Pljevlja “brave, harsh and painful actions in order to improve the situation” could be expected.
He estimated that it is necessary to reduce the number of RTV Pljevlja employees, because the participation of employees’ salaries in the total costs is 271,000 euros.
There are 30 employees in RTV Pljevlja. In order to pay for the debts, calculation including November 2017, RTV Pljevlja needs 215,000 euros.
Đačić claims that Municipality, as of December 29, 2017, settled all obligations to RTV Pljevlja.
“For this year, we have allocated 258,000 euros for RTV Pljevlja. That amount is sufficient for payment of 11 earnings. The public service management should do its best to secure at least one more salary. Think about way of fundraising money, record weddings, funerals, and consider whether you will give for free contributions to RTCG. “
Đačić told that RTV Pljevlja leadership should say whether they are capable of managing this media, otherwise they would find “another way to implement the necessary measures”.