The coalition of journalists’ and media associations: Protect the journalists of the KRIK newsroom


BELGRADE, 10.03.2021. – The coalition of journalists’ and media associations strongly condemns the defamation campaign of the pro-government media against the KRIK newsroom and the attempt to criminalize brave and professional journalists of that investigative journalism portal.

We call on the Republic Public Prosecutor’s Office to deny completely unfounded and dangerous insinuations about KRIK’s connection with criminal groups, and the Ministry of the Interior to take all measures to protect journalists and the portal’s editorial staff because their security is seriously endangered after reckless and dangerous subterfuge.

We also expect the Ministry of Culture and Information to urgently announce and condemn the smear and intimidation campaign that was launched against KRIK and to protect the targeted journalists.

For years, the KRIK newsroom has been bravely and professionally investigating corruption and crime, and their work has been acknowledged by numerous national and international awards, but at the same time, they have gained a large number of enemies due to their articles on various grounds. This is evidenced by several threats regarding the safety of the editor in chief  Stevan Dojčinović, as well as three cases of burglary in the apartments of KRIK journalists, which have not yet been clarified.

The coalition of journalists’ and media associations will inform international organizations and associations about a new brutal attack on independent and professional journalists in Serbia.

Belgrade, Novi Sad, Kragujevac,  March 10, 2021.

Association of Media

Association of Independent Electronic Media

Association of online media  (AOM)

Independent Journalists’ Association of  Vojvodina (IJAV)

Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia  (IJAS)

Association of Independent Local Media “Local Press”

Foundation Slavko Ćuruvija