Sarajevo, 22.01.2020. – The first membership card of the Association of Journalists and Media Workers “Nino Catic” was handed in Srebrenica to Hajra Catic. In doing so, Hajra Catic became the first and honorary member of a newly formed professional association named after her son, journalist and writer from that city. A membership card was handed out in front of the Post Office building, from which Nihad Nino Catic reported.
President of the Association “Nino Catic” Mirsad Sinanovic said that preserving the memory of his name while affirming the message from his work and destiny and that the truth should be spoken in the most difficult circumstances and up to the last moment, are some of the reasons for the founding of the Association, and values that they will follow and carry them through their activities.
– Since Nihad Nino Catic reported during the aggression from Srebrenica, his reports were a voice of truth and warning, but the messages were not timely and completely understood at the addresses that could have helped prevent the fall of the city (and then the genocide against Bosniaks), we chose his name as the name of the Association in order to express our idea on a symbolic level – said Sinanovic.
After sending his last report on July 10, 1995, and the fall of Srebrenica that happened the next day, Nihad Nino Catic set off on a free territory under the control of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but failed to reach it. His mother Hajra mother is still searching for his remains.
– I thought my Nino was forgotten. I’m happy. I was pleased to learn that the Association would bear his name. It is especially significant that this is happening in the year when the 25th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide is marked – said Hajra Catic after taking the membership card.
The focus of the Association is on the media, the public and their elements, and will advocate for strengthening the working, professional and human rights of journalists and other media workers, as well as the public’s right to objectivity, reliability, truthfulness and fairness of all who create and publish media content in Bosnia and Herzegovina. They called for all journalists and other media workers whose rights are violated, as well as those who are threatened by unprofessional activities of the media, to join or address them in accordance with the ideas and goals of the Association.