BORACKO LAKE, 07.06.2018. – With the graduation ceremony, the Journalism Academy 2018 on the topic “The Role of Media and Media Reporting in Strengthening Peace, Tolerance and Stability in BiH” ended.
The institutionalized training program for journalism students from different universities of BiH and young journalists has gathered 40 participants and participants in two modules at Borac Lake near Konjic.
Techniques of reporting on diversity, transitional human rights in media content, ethical standards, as well as media contributions to coping with the past and the building of the memory culture are only a part of the thematic ensemble of speech. Participants listened to lectures and discussed with lecturers, representatives of the academic community, transitional justice experts, media professionals, representatives of the Communications Regulatory Agency and the Press Council and online media in BiH, as well as civil society activists.
During the five days of the workshop, the participants learned, among other things, about the standards of fair, balanced and objective reporting on sensitive topics related to war, crimes, persecutions of the population and other forms of human rights violations. In addition, through practical exercises and professional mentoring, the participants analyzed media content, familiarized themselves with the process of documenting war crimes for the purpose of publishing in the media, as well as thematic documentaries.
The summer educational camp, organized by BHJA since 2013, was relized with the financial support of The USA Embassy in the period from 31st of May until 8th of July 2018.