AJK: Findings of Human Rights Watch report, worrying about situation of the safety of journalists in Kosovo

Source/Author: Human Rights Watch
Source/Photo: Human Rights Watch

PRISTINA, 15.01.2019 – Investigations and prosecutions of cases of threats and attacks on journalists in Kosovo have been slow, according to a report published on Tuesday by the New York-based international organization, Human Rights Watch.

“Threats and attacks against journalists continued while investigations and prosecutions were slow. Threats on social media platforms remained a widespread problem. Between January and September, the Association of Journalists of Kosovo registered 11 cases of threats and violence against journalists and media outlets, including four physical attacks and seven threats. Police were investigating four of the reported cases at time of writing.” – it’s written in the 30th report which covers the period from the end of 2018 to November 2019.

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo expresses concern about the high number of attacks and threats against journalists reported during 2019, recalling that by the end of this year the number of cases has increased to 19. None of the perpetrators of these attacks and threats have been punished. Impunity can affect journalists’ uncertainty about writing for negative phenomena occurring in Kosovo. Therefore, we call on the justice institutions to stop this practice and to take with priority investigations of attacks on journalists.

The chapter on media freedom in Kosovo also mentions three cases of attacks on journalists and the media, two caused by officials or political parties.

“In August, the ruling PDK (Democratic Party of Kosovo) issued a statement calling an online news outlet, Gazeta Express, “fake news,” encouraging citizens to be doubtful of its reporting. The Association of Journalists of Kosovo had reported in May that PDK head Kadri Velesi put pressure on the editor-in-chief of Gazeta Express. Police were investigating at time of writing.” – the report further states.

The AJK again invites all political entities to distance themselves from the attacks, the lynching language which also remains a widespread problem in the country, or any injustice towards journalists which infringes on their professional integrity.

We remind that every attack on a journalist is an attack on the public interest, democracy and human rights.