Actual Attack on journalist Ervis Hila, 25/01/2023, Lezhe

    Country AL
    Name and Surname erlis hila
    Gender Male
    Date 25/01/2023
    City / Location Lezhe
    Type of incident Actual attacks on journalists
    By whom To journalists by citizens
    Media name
    Legal closure Perpatrator is convicted
    Legal closure decision The services of the Lezhë Police Station, following the police work for the arrest of persons wanted for various criminal offenses and bringing them before the legal responsibility, during today's day, have detained the wanted citizens: I. (E). A., 35 years old, resident in Zejmen, and P. (L). P., 32 years old, resident of Manati. These two citizens were declared wanted after the Court of First Instance of the General Jurisdiction of Lezhë assigned to them the security measure "Arrest in prison" for the criminal offenses "Assault due to duty" and "Deliberate serious injury" because on 25.01.2023, in Lezhë, they physically violated, because of their duty, citizen E. H., 32 years old, resident of Lezhë, a journalist by profession, as well as his wife. The procedural materials were referred to the Prosecutor's Office for further action.
    Judiciary status Update on the case `The court of Lezha found guilty two people accused of attacking and raping the journalist Elvis Hila and his wife in January of this year. The decision was taken on July 25, 2023, in a shortened process`
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    Were authorities informed? Case was reported to the police

    On Thursday, 25 January 2023, at 16:40 in Lezhë, Abania, two persons physically attacked a journalist of Report TV, Elvis Hila, and his wife.

    On Wednesday, Elvis Hila reported for Report TV and on a court decision in Lezha. Following that report, two persons physically attacked him and his wife Benereta Hila, who has been hit in the head by the perpetrators while trying to intervene and pick up the phone that had fallen due to the attack. The journalist received fractures in his body due to the violence and went to the hospital together with his wife. After that, they reported the incident to the police.

    “It is up to the justice, but this does not prevent me from telling the truth in my work, despite the fact that certain segments do not like it," said Hila on Report TV, after the attack. The police have reacted regarding the attack against the reporter of Report TV in Lezhë, Elvis Hila and his wife. Specialists for the Investigation of Crimes at the Lezhë Police Station announced the search for the 2 perpetrators.
    This is not the first time that this journalist phases attacks due to his work as a journalist.

    Update on the case `The court of Lezha found guilty two people accused of attacking the journalist Elvis Hila and his wife in January of this year. The decision was taken on July 25, 2023, in a shortened process`

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