Verbal threat, Parim Olluri, Vehbi Kajtazi, Pristina, 11/09/2017

    Country KO
    Name and Surname Parim Olluri, Vehbi Kajtazi
    Gender Male
    Date 11/09/2017
    City / Location Pristina
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    By whom By public officials
    Type of media online
    Media name Insajderi
    Source Media
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction Association of Journalists of Kosovo condemn the language used by former journalist, now member of Kosovo’s Parliament, Milaim Zeka against two journalists, Parim Olluri and Vehbi Kajtazi. Accusing language used by MP Milaim Zeka does not fit with the work and the mission of an MP. AJK considers that the MP Zeka should properly represent the civic interest and not become the accuser of media and journalists in the country. Association asks the concerned MP to stop this language against former fellow journalist and engage in establishing professional reports with them.
    Were authorities informed? No

    Milaim Zeka, member of Parliament of Kosovo stated publicly that two journalists, Parim Olluri and Vehbi Kajtazi are Serbian secret agents that work in Kosovo to humiliate and denigrate Albanian national figures. Zeka, former journalist, continued in his facebook status, that journalists are taking instructions from Serbia’s Secret Intelligence to spread untruths about Kosovo politicians.