Physical attack against camera operator, Arbër Latifi, Gjakovë, 19.07.2023

    Country KO
    Name and Surname Arber Latifi
    Gender Male
    Date 17/07/2023
    City / Location Gjakove
    Type of incident Actual attacks on journalists
    By whom Security
    Type of media online
    Media name Nacionale
    Source Nacionale
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction The Association of Journalists of Kosovo expresses its deep concern regarding the physical assault against Nacionale's team, and urges the justice authorities to prioritize the case.
    Were authorities informed? Case was reported to the police

    Arbër Latifi – a camera operator for the online newspaper Nacionale, was physically assaulted today in the vicinity of the Gjakova Hospital by hospital security.

    Latifi and Gentiana Hasani, a journalist, had gone to the Gjakova Hospital to report on the suspension of all surgeries due to high temperatures.

    According to Nacionale, colleagues received medical assistance and filed a statement to the Kosovo Police. Furthermore, it is reported that the security officer who attacked them has been detained for 48 hours.

    The Association of Journalists of Kosovo expresses its deep concern regarding the physical assault against Nacionale’s team, and urges the justice authorities to prioritize the case.