AEM’s new aid to the media in the amount of 100,000 euros

Source/Author: SMCG
Source/Photo: aemcg

PODGORICA, June 25, 2021 – The Agency for Electronic Media invited broadcasters to submit requests for state aid through the exemption from the obligation to pay part of the annual fee for broadcasting radio or TV programs for 2021.

“The Council of the Agency for Electronic Media, at its session held on April 23, 2021, passed a Decision on giving consent to reduce the obligations of broadcasters for 2021 by about 100,000 euros, in a way that public and commercial broadcasters will be released from the obligation to pay the second quarter installments of the broadcasting fee for 2021 and commercial and public TV broadcasters that broadcast program content within the project “Learn at Home” to be released from the obligation to pay the first and second quarterly installments of the broadcasting fee for 2021″, reads the invitation of the Agency.

Broadcasters are required to submit a request for state aid to the Electronic Media Agency by Wednesday, June 30 at the latest.

During the last year, the Agency reduced the obligations to broadcasters by EUR 178,379.65, so that all commercial and public broadcasters were exempted from paying two quarterly installments of the broadcasting fee for 2020 (second and fourth) and broadcasters that broadcast program content within the project “Learn home” exempt from paying the full annual fee for 2020.