AJK and EFJ meet students of the University of Prishtina


03.04.2019, PRISHTINA – Association of Kosovo Journalists, together with the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), have met students of the Department of Journalism at the University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, to present the work and the mission of both organizations as well as to talk closely with future journalists about their challenges.

Ricardo Gutiérrez the General Secretary of EFJ, the largest journalism organization in Europe, during his speech spoke on the EFJ’s primary mission, which is to secure the social and professional rights of journalists working in all media sectors across Europe, always in co-operation with trade unions and associations of the respective countries.

The President of AJK, Gentiana Begolli Pustina, and Executive Director Valon Veliqi, also spoke about AJK’s contribution to the protection, support and professional upgrading of journalists through various roundtables and training.

Present at the meeting was also the Professor of the Department of Journalism, Remzie Shahini-Hoxhaj, who further initiated the discussion between the two organizations and students. They had the opportunity to address different questions about media, journalists’ security, and about the risk of “fake” or fake news.

Gutierrez expressed his satisfaction with his first visit to Kosovo and expressed readiness for further cooperation with AJK and the University of Prishtina in addressing the concerns and demands of Kosovar journalists.